Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Workplace Compliance Services - Doing Compliance Filing Yourself Vs. Hiring Someone To Do It For You

There are a lot of companies who choose to complete their compliance filings on their own. There are even more companies who choose to hire someone to handle their compliance filings for them. Which category do you fall under? If you’re a new business trying to decide, these are some of the benefits of hiring a company like WorkplaceCompliance Services to complete your compliance filing for you or just doing it yourself.

workplace compliance services

            There are a lot of reasons that you may choose to hire someone to do your compliance filings for you. You can hire a lawyer, accountant, or designated compliance company like Workplace Compliance Services to fulfill this service for you. If you already have a business lawyer or accountant you work with often, they most likely offer the service of doing your compliance filings for you. However, they’ll charge their hourly rate to do this for you, which can get pricey fast. The highest number we’ve ever heard that a lawyer has charged for an annual report filing is $600! If you don’t have a lawyer or accountant readily available or just don’t want to pay that much for your annual report, a compliance filing service like Workplace Compliance Services is a great route to go instead. These are some of the reasons you may choose to use a compliance filing service like Workplace Compliance Services:

1.    You have filings to keep up with in multiple states

a.    If you’re registered to do business in multiple states, keeping up with the deadlines and requirements in each state can become tricky fast. Each state has different filing requirements to follow and fill out, and each state has different deadlines depending on when you filed or that state’s particular deadline. Keeping up with each state’s annual filings could be a full-time job in and of itself, depending on how many states you’re registered to do business in!

2.    You have better things to do with your time

Let’s be honest- you’re a business owner. When you own a business, you’re constantly being pulled in a million different directions with a million tasks to complete. The last thing you want to spend your time on is annoying compliance filings when you have more important things to be doing, like running your business. Who has time to waste on paperwork when you’re running a business?

Saturday, October 6, 2018

Workplace Compliance Services: Worth the Hype?

I recently got a flyer in the mail from Workplace Compliance Services. On it, it says that they’ll file my annual report for me for $100, including state fees. My ears immediately perked up at that, because I had been paying my lawyer much more to do that for many years. When I looked back, I had probably paid my lawyer over $1,000 total to handle that for me over the years. I decided to do some more research into Workplace Compliance Services and see whether or not I should trust them with this. Here’s what I discovered:

Workplace Compliance Services

 There are a lot of companies like Workplace Compliance Services that offer to file your annual report for you. They vary in price- some charge a similar price to what my lawyer was charging and some are more in the range of Workplace Compliance Services. They’re all basically doing the same thing, so it really comes down to who provides the best experience? I looked in further.

I tried to contact a few of the other places that offer to do your yearly filings for you. Most of them had an operator when you attempted to call them. Others required you to send an email rather than speak to a live person. I called the number on the Workplace Compliance Services flyer and was instantly impressed with the knowledge of the customer service rep. She wasn’t just there to answer technical questions- she had a really, working knowledge of the process that is involved in filing my annual report. She explained it to me thoroughly and then told me how it works when they handle it for you. All I would have to do is make any adjustments to the flyer, mail it in, and then they would mail me my certificates and any other paperwork I may need for the next year.

I figured I’d give them a shot. They were one of the cheaper companies I found that does this, and the customer service rep sounded so knowledgeable that I felt like I could trust them more than the other companies who wouldn’t even pick up the phone. I didn’t have any adjustments to make to my company, so I signed the form, mailed it in with my check, and waited. I figured it would take a little while for the paperwork to get back to me. Instead, less than a week later I received a call from Workplace Compliance Services, letting me know that I forgot to fill in my email address. I gave them my email address, and within a week I received my certificate in the mail. It really was that easy.

I am so impressed. I know it seems like a simple service, but to me, it was such a time and money-saver. I’ve never enjoyed dealing with state filings and requirements, which is why I always passed them off onto my lawyer. To have Workplace Compliance Services give me a cheaper, hassle-free way to take care of that is such a relief. If you’re looking for someone who can handle your annual filings for you for a fraction of the cost of your lawyer, I personally recommend going through Workplace Compliance Services.