Sunday, December 9, 2018

Why I Recommend Workplace Compliance Services

Workplace Compliance Services is a human resources B2B company that assists businesses in staying in compliance with the various annual, biennial, and periodic filings that are required of businesses.

1.    It’s cheaper than a lawyer or accountant
I had priced it out with my lawyer before and it just didn’t make economical sense for me to have him file. It would’ve cost me over $500 just to file my annual report. Yes, I liked the idea of someone else doing it for me but I couldn’t stomach the idea of paying that much for it.

2.    It’s easier than doing it myself
I hate paperwork. I’ve never liked it. It’s easily my least favorite part of being a business owner (hence why I’ve looked into what it would cost to hand it all over to my lawyer). I put it off and put it off for as long as possible until I can’t anymore- some years I’ve even had to pay late fees because of it. Having someone else do it for me took so much stress and procrastination off of my plate!

3.    I was able to focus on the most important part of running my business- actually running my business!

My favorite part of all of this was how much more time I was able to devote to my business. Like I said, I hate paperwork, so being able to free myself up from that and just focus on how to make my business better was a game-changer. Using Workplace Compliance Services is like having an assistant do all of the annoying paperwork that I don’t feel like doing myself for a mere percentage of what it would cost to actually hire an assistant! I can’t recommend this company enough.

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